Welcome to Miss. Anders's Science Class/Laboratory!

Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you get the results.

-Oscar Wilde

Hello Excelsior Charter Academy Students and Families,

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Ms. Anders and I am your child’s Science teacher at Excelsior Charter Academy (ECA).  I am a first-year teacher here at ECA. My goal this school year is to get to know you and your child better and to do everything possible so that he/she will be successful. If you need to contact me you may send a note with your child, e-mail me at aanders@exelsiorschools.com, or phone the school at (786) 565-9188.

I look forward to hearing from each of you and learning about your child!

Warm Regards, 

Miss. Anders

STAY CONNECTED!!! ECA is TRENDING on Social Media!!!

ECA has launched it's Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Follow us now @ECAMiamiGardens!!!

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Classroom Rules


  • Students will respect themselves, the teacher & others. Respect others’ property. Respect themselves and the rest of us by using appropriate language and keeping their hands, feet, and belongings to themselves.
  • Students will put forth their best effort at all times. Students should always do their own best work, putting quality ahead of just getting it done.
  • Students will be prepared for class each day. Please come prepared with all the materials necessary.
  • Students will follow directions the first time given.
  • Students will turn off all cell phones & electronic devices. Cell phones will be confiscated an given to an administrator.
  • Students will not consume any food or drink. This includes chewing gum.
  • Students will arrive to class on time & ready to learn. Upon entering class be seated.  You should immediately begin working on the bell ringer.
  • Students will not cheat, plagiarize, or copy work.

Corrective Actions

Failure to comply with classroom rules or any other standard in this syllabus will result in the following consequences:

· 1st Offense– Verbal Warning

· 2nd Offense- One-on-One with student

· 3rd Offense- Parent Contact

· 4th Offense– Detention

· 5th Offense- Referral to administration


Academic Dishonesty

Students are expected to be truthful and ethical in their academic work.  Academic dishonesty is any type of cheating that occurs in relation to an academic assignment. It can include:

  • Cheating - use or attempted use of information on any assignment
  • Assisting - helping another commit an act of academic dishonesty
  • Fabrication - falsification of any information
  • Tampering – Changing or interfering with evaluation instruments and documents
  • Plagiarism – representing the words or ideas of another person as one’s own without acknowledgment

Any use of academic dishonesty will result in point deduction or appropriate action taken by the School Administration.